Excited to join Microsoft Ignite 2018 Orlando Florida
This year, for the first time, I will participate to Microsoft Ignite 2018 in Orlando, Florida, I feel exited to be announced as a speaker at Microsoft biggest Tech conference in USA.
Session: Modernize your web and mobile apps with cloud
What you will learn in a short time?
You will learn all that you need to build a complete web and mobile solution in 15 minutes.
We showcase many technologies that can be used by any developer across Azure and Visual Studio using Entity Framework Core 2.1, Xamarin, ORM (EF or Fluent NHibernate), Database or Storage SQL in Azure with a complete sample.
Technologies: ASP.NET Core 2.1, Fluent NHibernate with some functionalities such as Querying Criteria API, Entity Framework too, Xamarin.Forms with the plugin and Xamarin.Essentials and more …
Are you looking for SOLID architecture, Multi-Tenancy (SAAS development) and Cross Cutting Concerns, you will find all of that in a project on GitHub will be share in the session day!
As Tunisian Tech Women, we will go discovering some beautiful places in Tunisia in our GitHub sample. (Project theme will be announced in the session day).
For more details: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Ignite-Content-2018/Modernize-your-web-and-mobile-apps-with-cloud/m-p/241186#M4329
Let’s take a look together for a better way in development with the best technologies offered by Microsoft!
Still thinking! Join me and see you in Orlando soon!