[DockerCon 2023] — Hallway Track — Docker Quiz Hour

Rebai Hamida
5 min readJan 2, 2024


1- When do we use containers?

Containers are employed in diverse scenarios to enhance the development, deployment, and scalability of applications. One prominent use case is in microservices architectures, where each microservice is encapsulated within a container, enabling independent development and scaling. Portability is a key factor, allowing applications to run consistently across various environments, from local machines to production servers and different cloud platforms. Containers excel in continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, providing a standardized and reproducible environment. Their resource efficiency, achieved through sharing the host operating system’s kernel, leads to faster startup times and optimal resource utilization. Additionally, containers support isolation, enabling applications to run independently without interference. Their role in dependency management, scalability, and alignment with DevOps practices makes them integral to modern software development and deployment processes.

2- What is the difference between a container and an image?

In containerization, a container and an image are intricately connected yet distinct entities. A container is a lightweight, executable package encompassing an application and its dependencies, offering process isolation and the ability to run consistently across diverse environments. Containers, with their stateful nature and lifecycle, represent the active runtime instances where applications execute. On the other hand, an image is a static, stateless snapshot serving as a template for creating containers. It encapsulates the code, runtime, libraries, and system tools necessary for an application to run. Images are immutable and lack a running or stopped state, existing solely as foundational units for creating containers. Together, containers and images form the core components of containerized applications, facilitating portability and consistency across various computing environments​​.

3- What is a Dockerfile?

A Dockerfile is a text file that contains a set of instructions for building a Docker image. It serves as a blueprint for automating the process of creating a containerized environment for a specific application. The Dockerfile includes a series of commands and parameters that define the steps to be executed in order to assemble the image.

Key components of a Dockerfile include:

  1. Base Image: Specifies the base operating system or an existing image on which the new image will be built. It forms the starting point for the image construction.
  2. Instructions: Dockerfile contains various instructions that define the steps for building the image. Common instructions include:
  • FROM: Specifies the base image.
  • RUN: Executes commands within the image during the build process.
  • COPY and ADD: Copies files or directories from the local file system into the image.
  • WORKDIR: Sets the working directory within the image.
  • EXPOSE: Specifies the network ports that the container will listen on at runtime.
  • CMD or ENTRYPOINT: Defines the default command or executable to run when the container starts.

3. Environment Variables: Dockerfiles can set environment variables using the ENV instruction. This allows customization and configuration of the image.

4. Labels: Labels provide metadata to the image. They can include information such as version numbers, maintainers, or descriptions.

This Dockerfile defines the steps to create a Node.js image, install dependencies, copy the application code, and set the default command to start the application. It encapsulates the entire environment and dependencies required for running the Node.js application in a container.

4- How does Docker help with security?

Docker contributes to enhanced security in various ways, providing isolation, control, and standardized practices. Here are key aspects of how Docker improves security:

  1. Containerization and Isolation:
  • Process Isolation: Docker containers encapsulate applications and their dependencies, ensuring process isolation. Each container operates independently, preventing interference between applications.
  • Resource Isolation: Containers share the host OS kernel but have their own filesystems, processes, and network interfaces, reducing the attack surface and limiting potential security vulnerabilities.

2. Immutable Infrastructure:

  • Reproducibility: Docker promotes immutable infrastructure, meaning that once an image is created, it remains unchanged. This reduces the risk of configuration drift and ensures consistency between development, testing, and production environments.

3. Image Signing and Verification:

  • Content Trust: Docker supports content trust, allowing users to sign and verify the integrity of images. This ensures that only signed and trusted images are deployed, mitigating the risk of using compromised or unauthorized images.

4. Image Scanning:

  • Vulnerability Scanning: Docker Security Scanning tools enable users to scan images for known vulnerabilities. This helps identify and address security issues in containerized applications before deployment.

5. Least Privilege Principle:

  • User Privileges: Docker promotes the principle of least privilege, where containers run with minimal permissions required for their tasks. This reduces the potential impact of security breaches.

6. Network Segmentation:

  • Network Isolation: Docker provides options for network segmentation, allowing containers to run in isolated networks. This prevents unauthorized access and enhances the overall network security posture.

7. Resource Constraints:

  • Resource Limitations: Docker allows setting resource constraints on containers, such as CPU and memory limits. This prevents resource abuse, accidental or malicious, that could impact other containers or the host system.

8. Securing Docker Daemon:

  • TLS Encryption: Docker supports TLS encryption for securing communication between Docker clients and the Docker daemon. This ensures that communication is encrypted, reducing the risk of eavesdropping or man-in-the-middle attacks.

9. Auditing and Logging:

  • Audit Trails: Docker provides logging capabilities, allowing administrators to monitor container activity. Audit trails can be analyzed to detect and investigate security incidents.

10. Community and Updates:

  • Active Community: Docker has a large and active community that contributes to security best practices and quickly addresses vulnerabilities. Regular updates and patches enhance the overall security of the Docker ecosystem.

By incorporating these security measures, Docker helps organizations create a secure and controlled environment for deploying and running containerized applications, reducing the potential risks associated with software vulnerabilities and unauthorized access.

Docker extensions:

Docker has a rich ecosystem with various extensions and tools that complement its core functionalities. These extensions enhance Docker’s capabilities, providing additional features, management tools, and integrations. Here are some notable Docker extensions:

Explore Docker’s Container Image Repository | Docker Hub



Rebai Hamida

Senior Cloud Application Architect, Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies, MCT, Technical writer, Speaker